- info@sevillamontessorischool.es
- +(34) 955 126 805
Seville Montessori School is an international school organization in the heart of Seville, we have been active since 2015. We are licensed by the Spanish Ministry of Education and “the school is engaged in the accreditation process with the Middle State Association (MSA)”. Our school is a member of the Spanish Montessori Association and American Positive Discipline Association Our main guides are formed with the Association Montessori Internationale or The American Montessori Society.
12 to 18 months
18 months to 3 yers old
3 to 6 years old
6 to 12 years old
The Montessori environments are spacious and open to encourage children to move freely and decide how to work. Much of the acquired learning is done in motion. That is why we don’t limit children when they are working; they are not forced to sit, but also to be horizontal (on the floor) or vertical (standing up).
Children use their senses to integrate their knowledge. The curricular materials used in the Montessori environment are sensory and designed for learning through a comprehensive immersion taking advantage of all its capabilities. Music, art and creative expression are also part of the sensory development; they are located in the different environments using the available materials.
The ages mix favours the children’s personal development, and can develop skills such as empathy, responsibility or leadership that prepare them for their social environment. The development of these skills is carried out by training what we call grace and courtesy. According to the Montessori pedagogy, movements made by the child should be smooth, precise and harmonious. Grace gives the child safety to move in space. Courtesy refers to the interest towards others, understand others needs and learn to respect them. To know how social structures works to interact in their environment. Those lessons give autonomy to the child, provide them with vocabulary and guide them towards social regulations.
It establishes a holistic world focus and educates children in peace through the interdependence awareness and the sense of gratitude, by the inherited knowledge of other cultures. This cosmic education provides the child a global sense of the functioning of the world, its nature and laws, as well as geography, mathematics, science and language, generating an interest in discovering and inquiring into this knowledge
One of the Montessori pedagogy values is to develop an education for peace. The goal of Maria Montessori was not only to facilitate learning. Its fundamental basis is to educate for peace, convey the non-violence teaching to children, the simplicity in the small details of everyday life and to respect others. She considered that showing children that way would help us to have a better world free of wars and hardship. On the other hand, our children work individually but in a working community. It should be called like that because it dignifies the work, since they are little they feel that they are working, not playing. Eventually, they can see the benefits in going to work, so in the future they do not perceive the job as a negative but as a pleasing activity. They are able to respect the co-workers’ job and solve their conflicts on their own. We also show them habits such as hygiene, cleaning and environment care (plants, insects…) which will encourage their autonomy and environmental awareness.
Sport Center Antonio Puerta near school to do activities
A customized program according to the child interests: people grow at their own pace. Therefore, learning should be adjusted to their needs, thus allowing the children to develop according to their priorities, guiding them and motivating them to learn in a natural way. Montessori education is challenging and promotes independence and discipline. Its personalized learning approach is ideal for the majority of children, including those who are motivated in learning with high academic level and like to choose their own work.
I sent both my kids to Sevilla Montessori School while we lived in Spain for 2 years. They loved it. My daughter went to an AMI school back in the states and we sent her here because we knew they followed the same curriculum. The guides were all amazing and it is obvious they really do care about their students
Inspired by the principles of Association Montessori Internationale
Centro Privado Docente Extranjero, Homologado por la Junta de Andalucía.
Código centro educativo: 41022841
Seville Montessori School is an international school organization in the heart of Seville, we have been active since 2015. We are licensed by the Spanish Ministry of Education and “the school is engaged in the accreditation process with the Middle State Association (MSA)”.
Financiado por la Unión Europea – NextGenerationEU